Tolong latinkan hadist tentang jalan menuju surga​

Tolong latinkan hadist tentang jalan menuju surga​

Tolong latinkan hadist tentang jalan menuju surga​

An abii ‘abrissahi jaabiiribni ‘abdillaahil anshoorii rodhiyallaahu ‘anhumaa. Anna rojulan sa ala rosuulallahi sholla allahu ‘alaihi wasallam faqoola :

aroaita izaa shollaitul maktuubaati,wa shumtu romadhoona,wa ahlaltul halaala, wa haddamtul harooma, wa lam azid ‘alaa dzaalika syai an, a adkhulul jannah? qoola : na’am (rowaahu muslim)


NB : penulisan huruf lebih dari 1 berarti dibaca panjang


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Baca Juga :  The Sahara Desert in North Africa is big, very big. It covers a third of the whole continent, measuring 3.3 million square miles - it is almost the same size as the USA. It is the largest hot desert in the world. The highest temperature ever recorded there was 57.8°c. In a single day, the temperature can range from below freezing to 50°c. These extreme of hot and cold, combined with the dry, dusty wind, make the Sahara a place where only few plants and animals can survive. It is stated in the text that few plants and animals can survive because ....