From the text we can conclude that ….. I. the dialogue takes place in Mrs. Dania’s room II. Mira is the only delegate to join the Olympiad III. Mira asked Mrs. Dania to wish her luck IV. the DSO will be held in Jakarta

(Mira meets Ms. Dania in her office)

Mira : Good morning, Mrs. Dania. Mr. Eady asked me to meet you here.
Mrs. Dania: Hi Mira. Have a seat, please. Yeah, I told him so. Well, I have something to tell you.
Mira : Something very important?
Mrs. Dania: It is! I’ve just got information from the authorized person in Jakarta saying that you are the winner of the National Junior Science Olympiad.
Mira : Am I? I don’t believe it.
Mrs. Dania: You are! Your hard work has paid off, honey. Congratulations! We all are proud of you, Mira.
Mira : Thanks a lot, Mrs. Dania. It’s because of your support as the headmistress.
Mrs. Dania : Actually, I didn’t do much. In the near future you have to go to Jakarta to join the coaching with others before joining the International Junior Science Olympiad (USO) in Mexico. I hope there will be someearth-shattering news when you come back.
Mira : Keep your fingers crossed! Thanks, Mrs. Dania.
Mrs. Dania: Glad to help.

From the text we can conclude that …..
I. the dialogue takes place in Mrs. Dania’s room
II. Mira is the only delegate to join the Olympiad
III. Mira asked Mrs. Dania to wish her luck
IV. the DSO will be held in Jakarta

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. III and IV

Jawaban yang benar adalah B. I and III

Soal menanyakan dari teks tersebut kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa …..

Jawabannya dapat ditemukan dengan penjelasan berikut:

Pada awal teks terdapat keterangan (Mira meets Ms. Dania in her office) yang artinya Mira bertemu Bu Dania di kantornya.
Hal tersebut sejalan dengan pernyataan ke-I, “The dialogue takes place in Mrs. Dania’s room” (Percakapan terjadi di ruang Mrs. Dania)

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Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan percakapan antara MIra dan Mrs. Dania as the headmistress yang membahas tentang informasi atau kabar baik bahwa Mira menjadi pemenang dari the National Junior Science Olympiad, yang kemudian Mira harus berangkat ke Jakarta untuk mengikuti pelatihan dengan yang lainnya sebelum mengikuti International Junior Science Olympiad (USO) di Meksiko.

Pada akhir percakapan Mira berkata “Keep your fingers crossed! Thanks, Mrs. Dania”.
Arti dari “Keep your fingers crossed!” adalah mengharap sesuatu yang baik akan terjadi atau mengungkapkan keberuntungan.
Kalimat tersebut sejalan dengan pernyataan ke III yaitu “Mira asked Mrs. Dania to wish her luck” yang artinya Mira Mira meminta Bu Dania untuk mendoakan keberuntungannya.


Jadi, jawaban yang benar dari soal tersebut adalah B. I and III

Semoga membantu ya ^^