Susunlah mulai pangkat yang terbesar dari x dan sebutkanlah derajatnya. (2x−3)(2−3x)

Susunlah mulai pangkat yang terbesar dari x dan sebutkanlah derajatnya.

= -6x²+13x-6
Derajat terbesarnya adalah 2

Baca Juga :  Uncle Hans has a very complicated life. He is always too stressed every day. He doesn't have enough sleep. His manager is not patient enough and gives him too much work to do. Last week, his manager ordered him to make too many proposals, so he ended too tired. He didn't have enough lunch and dinner. He just called delivery service. However, he thought that his hard work would give him a good result. He earns enough money monthly. He told me when he is rich enough, he will give up working in that company. He wants to have his own company. "He /earns/ money monthly." The underlined word has similar meaning to...