My name is Dinda. I am twenty one years old. I am tall and thin. My hair is black and curly. My nose is sharp and my skin is white. I work for a big company in Semarang. My job is to make a minute in meeting, type letters, manage the directors daily agenda and select the guests want to meet my director. 1. What does Dinda look like?

My name is Dinda. I am twenty one years old. I am tall and thin. My hair is black and curly. My nose is sharp and my skin is white. I work for a big company in Semarang. My job is to make a minute in meeting, type letters, manage the directors daily agenda and select the guests want to meet my director.

1. What does Dinda look like?
a. short and fat
b. tall and fat
c. tall and thin
d. tall and slim

Jawaban: c. tall and thin

Terjemahan soal adalah “Dinda terlihat seperti apa ?”

Jawaban bisa dilihat dari kalimat ” I am tall and thin.” yang berarti “Saya tinggi dan kurus.”

Berdasarkan terjemahan, dapat diketahui bahwa Dinda “tinggi dan kurus” (tall and thin).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah “c. tall and thin”.

Baca Juga :  Tentukan panjang AB dari gambar berikut.