2) Used to Complete the sentences. Use the present simple for one verb, and the correct form of used to with the other verb. be (x3) go (x3) like (x2) read sell smoke think work (x2) want walk 1. I used to walk to school when I was a kid, but now! …80 by bike. 2. My father in a bank, but now he for a car hire company. 3. That shop terrible, but two years ago it really nice things 4. We to Spain for our holidays now, but we going to Italy 5. 1 a good singer any more, but the best singer in my school. 6. My mum that magazine every week, but now she it’s boring 7. 1 living in a flat, but now I really to live in a house. 8. People in restaurants in Britain, but now they outside to smoke.

2) Used toComplete the sentences. Use the present
simple for one verb, and the correct form
of used to with the other verb.

be (x3) go (x3) like (x2) read sell
smoke think work (x2) want walk

1. I used to walk to school when I was a
kid, but now! …80 by bike.
2. My father
in a bank, but now
for a car hire company.
3. That shop terrible, but two
years ago it
really nice things
4. We
to Spain for our holidays
now, but we
going to Italy
5. 1
a good singer any more, but
the best singer in my school.
6. My mum
that magazine every
week, but now she it’s boring
7. 1 living in a flat, but now
I really
to live in a house.
8. People
in restaurants in Britain,
but now they
outside to smoke.

Answer based on question above:

  1. used to walk to school when I was a kid, but now I go by bike.
  2. My father used to work in a bank, but now he work for a car hire company.
  3. That shop sell terrible, but two years ago it used to be really nice things.
  4. We go to Spain for our holidays now, but we used to like going to Italy.
  5. be a good singer any more, but I used to be the best singer in my school.
  6. My mum used to read that magazine every week, but now she think it’s boring.
  7. used to like living in a flat, but now I really want to live in a house.
  8. People used to smoke in restaurats in Britain, but now they go outside to smoke.
Baca Juga :  1. sederhanakanlah bentuk perkalian berikut. a. √2 x √3 b. √6 x √10 c. √7 x √7



  • Perintah soal di atasa adalah untuk melengkapi kalimat menggunakan simple preset tense (untuk satu versb) dan membenarkan penggunaan “used to” dengan verb yang lin. Intinya dalam satu kalimat rumpang ada dua verb yang perlu dimasukan,.
  • Untuk pertanyaan nomor satu sendiri adalah contoh, sehingga sudah terjawab.
  • Terjemahan jawaban di atas:
  1. used to walk to school when I was a kid, but now I go by bike.
    Aku dulu biasanya pergi ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki, tapi sekarang aku menggunakan sepeda.
  2. My father used to work in a bank, but now he work for a car hire company.
    = Ayahku dulu bekerja di bank, tetapi sekarang ayahku bekerja di perusahaan penyewaan mobil
  3. That shop sell terrible, but two years ago it used to be really nice things.
    = Toko itu sangat buruk dalam penjualannya, tetapi dua tahun lalu toko tersebut sangat bagus.
  4. We go to Spain for our holidays now, but we used to like going to Italy.
    = Sekarang kita pergi ke Spanyol untuk liburan, tetapi dulu kita suka pergi (liburan) ke Italia
  5. be a good singer any more, but I used to be the best singer in my school.
    = Aku bukan penyanyi yang baik lagi, tetapi aku dulu adalah penyanyi terbaik di sekolahku.
  6. My mum used to read that magazine every week, but now she think it’s boring.
    =Ibuku dulu suka sekali membaca majalah setiap minggu, tetapi sekarang ia berpikir majalah sangat membosankan.
  7. used to like living in a flat, but now I really want to live in a house.
    = Aku pernah suka untu tinggal di apartemen, tetapi skearang aku sangat ingin tinggal di rumah.
  8. People used to smoke in restaurats in Britain, but now they go outside to smoke.
    = Orang-orang dulu merokong di dalam restoran di Inggris, tetapi sekarang mereka pergi keluar (restoran) untuk merokok.
Baca Juga :  Bandul bermassa 250 gram digantung pada atap kontainer sebuah buk ketika tak melayu dengan percepatan a bandul membentuk sudut 37 terhadap arah vertikal (ikat gambar) besar a adalah....(g = percepatan gravitasi bumi)


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