Sistem pencernaan gastrovaskuler terdapat pada … A. Planaria B. Belalang C. Nyamuk D. Cacing tanah Jawaban yang benar adalah pilihan A. Planaria Beberapa anggota kingdom Animalia mencerna makanannya secara ekstraseluler melalui sistem khusus, dapat berupa rongga gastrovaskuler maupun saluran pencernaan lengkap. Rongga gastrovaskuler merupakan sistem pencernaan yang tidak lengkap, karena …
Read More »Pernyataan berikut di bawah ini benar tentang ciri-ciri yang dimiliki oleh tumbuhan hidrofit, kecuali ….
Pernyataan berikut di bawah ini benar tentang ciri-ciri yang dimiliki oleh tumbuhan hidrofit, kecuali …. A. stomata banyak terdapat di epidermis bawah B. daunnya lebar dan tipis C. batang dan tangkai daun mempunyai rongga D. hidup di air Jawaban yang benar adalah pilihan A. stomata banyak terdapat di epidermis bawah …
Read More »Batang pada tumbuhan mempunyai fungsi berikut di bawah ini, kecuali ….
Batang pada tumbuhan mempunyai fungsi berikut di bawah ini, kecuali …. A. untuk menegakkan tubuh B. menghubungkan bagian akar dan daun C. menjadi tempat penimbunan zat-zat makanan cadangan D. menyerap air dan mineral, menghantarkan air dan nutrient Jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi D. Batang merupakan salah satu organ tumbuhan yang …
Read More »Pada tumbuhan yang bernafas secara anaerob, enegri diperoleh dengan cara ….
Pada tumbuhan yang bernafas secara anaerob, enegri diperoleh dengan cara …. A. oksidasi biologi yang terjadi pada sel-sel tubuhnya B. mengaruikan senyawa oganik dengan bantuan enzim C. membakar makanan dengan bantuan O2 D. membakar zat gula dengan bantuan CO2 Jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan B. mengaruikan senyawa oganik dengan bantuan …
Read More »Test1. Tom : Do you know the woman standing there? Farah: Yes, she is the new English teacher ……
Competence Test1. Tom : Do you know the woman standing there? Farah: Yes, she is the new English teacher …… a. Which can speak Dutch b. Whose his son a student at LIA C. Who is also the computer teacher d. Whose her husband he died last year e. Whom …
Read More »Bacalah dialog di bawah ini dan identifikasi ekspresi dalam tabel. pliss bantu jawab
Bacalah dialog di bawah ini dan identifikasi ekspresi dalam tabel. pliss bantu jawab Jawaban: 2. What is his/her name? 3. His/her name is… 4. Where is he/her from? 5. He/She comes from… 6. He/She is… (Nationality= Kewarganegaraan) 7. I’m so happy, this is the best day in my life, etc. …
Read More »Buat pendapat/opini,
Buat pendapat/opini, Jawaban: •Body piercing Well, i’m not getting used to it but… I guess that’s fine, but make sure you don’t put those things on your nose if you’re not wearing an indian traditional clothes or something, because it makes you looks like a freak. •English Uh, it’s …
Read More »Read the text and then answer the questions. One day my uncle told me about his childhood. When he was ten years old, he liked to climb a mango tree. He usually climbed the tree with some friends. Then they picked some mangoes without permission. Yap, they liked to steal mangoes. They frequently ate mangoes on the tree. They had prepared a fruit peeler and a plastic bag for the garbage. What a good preparation! They didn’t want to throw the garbage everywhere. They kept the environment clean. That’s a good point. But stealing fruits is a bad point. My uncle said it was so fun. Sometimes they were caught by the owners. They had ever met both kind and unkind owners. A kind owner was never angry to them. She/he let them pick some mangoes. “Don’t eat too many mangoes or you will get a stomachache” a kind owner advised one day. Meanwhile an unkind owner punished them to clean a pool and back yard. There was one owner who was really angry to them. Then he came to the kids’ parents and asked for much money for the mangoes they had eaten. Their parents couldn’t afford it. The owner gave them some weeks to pay or he would call the police. Then he and his friends tried to earn money to help their parents. After school he worked at a car wash. My uncle learnt that earning money was not easy. But it wasn’t impossible. After three weeks, he could gave the money to the mango-tree owner. Magically, the owner turned into a nice guy and asked my uncle to keep the money. He gave the money to his parents. Finally he never stole the mangoes anymore but still liked to climb a mango tree 1. What kind of activity liked by the writer’s uncle? 2. What kind of punishment sometimes had by the writer’s uncle? 3. What did the mango owner’s do to the writer’s uncle’s parents? 4. What kind of tense mostly found in the text above? 5. What is the purpose of the text above? 6. I can’t find my purse. (Lose) 7. Gerry can’t remember the time of the interview. (forget) 8. Amy is on her way to school. (go) 9. I don’t know the man. (never meet) 10. There’s something wrong with my dad’s leg. (break)
Read the text and then answer the questions. One day my uncle told me about his childhood. When he was ten years old, he liked to climb a mango tree. He usually climbed the tree with some friends. Then they picked some mangoes without permission. Yap, they liked to steal …
Read More »Baca dialog di bawah ini dan identifikasi ekspresi dalam tabel
Baca dialog di bawah ini dan identifikasi ekspresi dalam tabel Jawaban: 2. What is his/her name? 3. His/her name is… 4. Where is he/her from? 5. He/She comes from… 6. He/She is… (Nationality= Kewarganegaraan) 7. I’m so happy, this is the best day in my life, etc. Penjelasan: He: Dia …
Read More »= US$ peritongan Pendapatan perkapita dari tarkn 2019 -2020-2021 Korea Selatan
= US$ peritongan Pendapatan perkapita dari tarkn 2019 -2020-2021 Korea Selatan Instruks soal tidak bisa dimengerti karena kalimat tidak tersusun secara efektif dan jelas. Oleh sebab itu, jawaban hanya akan menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan pendapat per kapita. Pendapatan per kapita diartikan sebagai besaran pendapatan rata-rata yang diperoleh penduduk sebuah negara pada …
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