Who will check Surya’s eyes in the hospital?

Surya : Ani, I have a problem.
Ani : Tell me. Who knows, I can solve the problems. .
Surya : l’ve got a headache when I’m reading.
Ani : You should go to Puspita Hospital. It is an eye hospital.
Surya : You mean I should go to the optician in that hospital? ·
Ani : No, you should go first to the the ophthalmologist. He will check your eyes and suggest’ whether you need to wear glasses or not.
Surya : That’s a good idea. Thanks for your suggestion.
Ani : You are welcome. That’s what friends are for.

Who will check Surya’s eyes in the hospital?

Jawaban yang sesuai adalah ‘the ophthalmologist’.

Soal menanyakan “Siapa yang akan memeriksa mata Surya di rumah sakit?”

Informasinya ada pada dialog Ani baris ke 7 berikut:
Ani: No, you should go first to the the ophthalmologist. He will check your eyes and suggest’ whether you need to wear glasses or not.

Ani: Tidak, kamu harus pergi dulu ke dokter mata. Dia akan memeriksa matamu dan menyarankan kamu perlu memakai kaca mata atau tidak.

Dari kutipan tersebut diketahui yang akan memeriksa mata Surya adalah ‘the ophthalmologist’ atau ‘dokter mata’.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah ‘the ophthalmologist’.

Semoga bermanfaat.

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