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Does Angga know about the branded clothes sold there?

Adit : Hello?
Tyo : Oh, Hello I need some information. What places are frequently visited in Bandung?
Adit : Where?
Tyo : Bandung.
Adit : I think Gedung Sate and factory outlets are mostly visited on weekends.
Tyo : Oh, right. Is wifi provided in public services there?
Adit : I have no idea about that.
Tyo : Are branded clothes sold there?
Adit : I don’t know.
Tyo : Ehmm. Is fast food easily found in this city?
Adit : How would I know?
Tyo : Are traveller cheques welcomed in shopping centers?
Adit : I never know.
Tyo : Well, it is tourism information center, isn’t it?
Adit : : What? This is car wash service. You dialed the wrong number!

Does Angga know about the branded clothes sold there?

Jawaban yang benar adalah “Adit does not know about the branded clothes sold there.”

Soal tersebut menanyakan apakah Adit mengetahui baju bermerk(branded) apa yang dijual di sana. (Does Angga know about the branded clothes sold there?)

Terdapat kesalahan nama pada kalimat soal, seharusnya Adit bukan Angga.

Dari percakapan tersebut, diketahui bahwa Adit tidak mengetahui baju bermerk apa yang dijual di sana, dibuktikan pada potongan percakapan berikut:
Tyo : Are branded clothes sold there? (Apakah baju bermerk dijual di sana?)
Adit : I don’t know. (Aku tidak tahu.)

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah “Adit does not know about the branded clothes sold there.”

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