Unbeatable (Flow ft. Dira Subandi) You can be the fire that lights up the world With your energy stronger together, it’s possible You can climb higher to the top of the world With your spirit youre unreadable Yeah, I walk on water yeah, Yeah, I’m stopping thunder I can make …
Read More »Mr. Alfred can repair the cars well. The correct passive sentence is …
Mr. Alfred can repair the cars well. The correct passive sentence is … a. The cars can be repaired well by him. b. The cars can being repaired by him well. c. The cars well can be repaired by him. d. The cars are repaired well by him. Jawaban : …
Read More »Sebuah taman berbentuk segitiga sama kaki dengan panjang sisi yang sama 15 m panjang sisi lainnya 12 m dan tinggi 7 m jika taman tersebut akan ditanami rumput dengan biaya Rp60.000/m² hitunglah keseluruhan biaya yang diperlukan!
sebuah taman berbentuk segitiga sama kaki dengan panjang sisi yang sama 15 m panjang sisi lainnya 12 m dan tinggi 7 m jika taman tersebut akan ditanami rumput dengan biaya Rp60.000/m² hitunglah keseluruhan biaya yang diperlukan! Jawaban yang benar adalah Rp2.520.000,00 Konsep : Segitiga * Rumus untuk menentukan luas (L) …
Read More »Mrs. Anita and I … at home yesterday. We saw a nice film from TV. The suitable word to answer is …..
Mrs. Anita and I … at home yesterday. We saw a nice film from TV. The suitable word to answer is ….. a. is b. was c. are d. were Jawabannya adalah d. were. Perintah soal yaitu melengkapi kalimat dengan kata yang tepat. Pada kalimat tersebut terdapat keterangan waktu ‘yesterday’ …
Read More »Diana is a student. She studies at SMPN 1 Arjawinangun. Her school begins at seven in the morning and ends at twelve thirty in the afternoon. However on Friday her school finishes at eleven clock.
What is Diana? Diana is a student. She studies at SMPN 1 Arjawinangun. Her school begins at seven in the morning and ends at twelve thirty in the afternoon. However on Friday her school finishes at eleven clock. a. student b. a girl c. a teacher d. a daughter Jawabannya …
Read More »Are the elephants playing football together?
Are the elephants playing football together? A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, they do. C. No, they are not. D. No, they do not. Jawabannya adalah A. Yes, they are. Soal menanyakan apakah para gajah bermain bola bersama sesuai dengan gambar. Kalimat pertanyaannya menggunakan Present Continuous Tense karena terdapat to …
Read More »Who wrote the text ? Congratulations, graduate! We knew you could do it. We are so proud of you, Hendra. Love, Mom & Dad
Who wrote the text ? Congratulations, graduate! We knew you could do it. We are so proud of you, Hendra. Love, Mom & Dad a. Hendra’s friends b. Hendra’s family c. Hendra’s parents d. Hendra’s grandparents Jawabannya adalah c. Hendra’s parents. Soal menanyakan siapakah yang menulis teks tersebut. Teks pada …
Read More »A new computer … by Ronald everyday.
A new computer … by Ronald everyday. a. is sold b. sells c. are sold d. sold Jawabannya adalah a. is sold. Soal di atas meminta kita untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif. Kalimat pada soal di atas berbentuk Simple Present Tense maka rumus kalimat pasifnya adalah Subject + …
Read More »What did Sinta do right after making a hole on each corner of the paper?
Danu : I called you yesterday afternoon, but you didn’t answer. Sinta : I’m sorry. My brother and I made a kite In the backyard. Danu : Can you make a kite? Sinta : Yes. My brother prepared the materials such as paper. pencil, ruler, two bamboo sticks, one was …
Read More »What did Bagas do on his holiday?
Anita: Haw was your holiday last week? Bagas : It was great. I went camping to Tawangmanug, Karanganyar. Anita : That’s great. How many friends joined you? Bagas : There were five people altogether. Anita : How did you go there? Bagas : I went there by bus. Anita : …
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