II. Do the tasks below! Task 1 Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective! 1. The cat has a necklace. This is…… necklace 2. My aunt gives me a doll. That is…… doll 3. The balls belong to the students. Those are…… balls 4. Diana has a nice dress. It is….. dress 5. The phone belongs to Heri. This is….. phone 6. The car belongs to my mother. It is……. car 7. They buy a new house. This is…… house 8. Ali has many books. These are… books 9. We have a cat. It is …… cat 10. The bag belongs to you. This is…. bag ​

II. Do the tasks below!Task 1 Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective!
1. The cat has a necklace. This is…… necklace
2. My aunt gives me a doll. That is…… doll
3. The balls belong to the students. Those are…… balls
4. Diana has a nice dress. It is….. dress
5. The phone belongs to Heri. This is….. phone
6. The car belongs to my mother. It is……. car
7. They buy a new house. This is…… house
8. Ali has many books. These are… books
9. We have a cat. It is …… cat
10. The bag belongs to you. This is…. bag ​

II. Do the tasks below! Task 1 Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective! 1. The cat has a necklace. This is...... necklace 2. My aunt gives me a doll. That is...... doll 3. The balls belong to the students. Those are...... balls 4. Diana has a nice dress. It is..... dress 5. The phone belongs to Heri. This is..... phone 6. The car belongs to my mother. It is....... car 7. They buy a new house. This is...... house 8. Ali has many books. These are... books 9. We have a cat. It is ...... cat 10. The bag belongs to you. This is.... bag ​


1. Its

2. My

3. Their

4. Her

5. His

6. Her

7. Their

8. His

9. Our

10. Your


Possessive Adjective

Ada tujuh Possessive Adjective: My, your, our, their, his, her, dan its.

My: Punyaku

Your: Punyamu

Our: Punya kita

Their: Punya mereka

His: Punya dia (laki-laki)

Her: Punya dia (Perempuan)

Its: Punya dia (Kata benda bukan manusia atau tak diketahui gender-nya)



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