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Apabila x = p^(2) − p^(q) + 3^(q)^(2) dan y = p^(2) − 2(p^q) − (q^2) maka: b) 3x − 2y =

Apabila x = p^(2) − p^(q) + 3^(q)^(2) dan y = p^(2) − 2(p^q) − (q^2) maka: b) 3x − 2y =

Jawabannya adalah p² – 7p^q+11q²

= 3p²-3p^q+9q² – 2p²-4p^q+2q²
= p² – 7p^q+11q²

Baca Juga :  Complete the sentence with indefinite article where it is necessary. 2. What should I do? I really have ______ big problem now.