Tentukan diskriminan dari f(x) = x²+2x+1!

tentukan diskriminan dari f(x) = x²+2x+1! Jawaban : 0 Ingat! Bentuk umum persamaan kuadrat a𝑥²+b𝑥+c= 0 , a ≠ 0 Diskriminan persamaan kuadrat (D) : D = b² – 4ac Pembahasan f(x) = x²+2x+1 a = 1 b = 2 c = 1 D = b² – 4ac = (2)² …

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Pak wawan membeli pesawat televisi bekas harganya Rp 550.000 diperbaiki dengan biaya Rp 90.000 kemudian di jual dengan harga Rp 750.000 berapa keuntungan nya?

Pak wawan membeli pesawat televisi bekas harganya Rp 550.000 diperbaiki dengan biaya Rp 90.000 kemudian di jual dengan harga Rp 750.000 berapa keuntungan nya? Jawaban : Rp110.000,00 Ingat! untung = harga jual – total biaya pembelian Pembahasan total biaya pembelian = harga beli + biaya perbaikan = 550.000 + 90.000 …

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Choose the appropriate verb in the bracket 1. Santi (study/studies) English every day.

Choose the appropriate verb in the bracket 1. Santi (study/studies) English every day. Jawabannya adalah “study” Pada soal diminta untuk memilih verb yang tepat di dalam kurung Pada kalimat tersebut subjek nya adalah Santi yang merupakan singular (he, she, it, dan tunggal) sehingga verb yang digunakan adalah Study Sedangkan studies …

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As early as the 1940s, scientists (10. understand) that many kinds of wild animals faced extinction. Since that time, zoos (11. try) to save many endangered species, but relying on zoos to save species such as the rhinoceros is not enough. In the 1980s, the number of rhinos in the world (12. reduce) from 10,000 to 400. Many rhinos (13. kill) by poachers, but many also (14. die) in captivity. Zoo breeding programs for rhinos have not been successful. The best method of conservation (15. be) to leave them in their natural habitat. Number 12

As early as the 1940s, scientists (10. understand) that many kinds of wild animals faced extinction. Since that time, zoos (11. try) to save many endangered species, but relying on zoos to save species such as the rhinoceros is not enough. In the 1980s, the number of rhinos in the …

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Library will be closed for maintenance for this month of May (for a month) Don’t misunderstanding! Librarian 9. What does the name of the text above?

Library will be closed for maintenance for this month of May (for a month) Don’t misunderstanding! Librarian 9. What does the name of the text above? Jawabannya adalah “Announcement text” pada soal yang ditanya adalah apa nama dari text di atas Library will be closed for maintenance for this month …

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Degree of comparison 3. The building is ………. (high) than his company.

Degree of comparison 3. The building is ………. (high) than his company. Jawabannya adalah “higher” Pada soal diminta untuk melengkapi kata yang kosong pada kalimat dengan menggunakan Degree of comparison dari kata “high” atau tinggi Degree of comparison adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan perbandingan. Pada kalimat “The building is …

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Degree of comparison 2. His cook is ……… (spicy) than my mother cook.

Degree of comparison 2. His cook is ……… (spicy) than my mother cook. Jawaban yang benar adalah: spicier. Mari simak pembahasan soal berikut ini! Soal meminta kamu melengkapi bagian rumpang pada kalimat soal dengan bentuk comparison degree yang benar. Sebagai koreksi, kata “my mother” harus diubah menjadi “my mother’s” untuk …

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Degree of comparison 1. What is ……….. (important) than family?

Degree of comparison 1. What is ……….. (important) than family? Jawabannya adalah “more important” Pada soal diminta untuk melengkapi kata yang kosong pada kalimat dengan menggunakan Degree of comparison Degree of comparison adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan perbandingan. Pada kalimat “What is ……….. (important) than family?” memiliki arti “Apa …

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About fifty meters before the crossroads, a pedestrian who was walking on the pavement 2) _____ ran across the road in front of my car. I was so shocked that I braked as hard as I could.

In the middle of a bright day, I planned to have lunch in a new restaurant. I 1) _____ along the west road at a reasonable speed. About fifty meters before the crossroads, a pedestrian who was walking on the pavement 2) _____ ran across the road in front of …

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All of the following sentences are in passive voice, except …..

All of the following sentences are in passive voice, except ….. A. Many cars are manufactured in Japan. B. The flowers are being watered by my mother right now. C. My brother and I always play football on the weekend. D. The house will be painted green next week. Jawaban …

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