1. The pet’s spines are ____.

Winda has a pet. It’s a pygmy hedgehog. Let me describe it.

The hedgehog is small and cute. It has smooth spines on its coat and soft fur on its tummy. Its spines are light gray, and its fur is white. It has a pair of small round eyes, a small snout, and whisker.

It is quiet on daylight, but active at night. Winda usually feeds it in the evening. She keeps her pet in a large cage. She places a wooden house inside the cage for her pet to hide and a wheel to play with. Her pet likes staying in the wooden house during the day. It often plays on the wheel in the evening.

1. The pet’s spines are ____.

Jawaban: The pet’s spines are light gray (Duri landaknya Winda berwarna abu-abu muda).

Mari simak pembahasan soal berikut ini, ya.

Soal meminta kamu mencari tahu bagaimana duri landak kerdilnya Winda. Untuk mendapatkan jawabannya, mari pahami kutipan teks berikut ini.

“The hedgehog is small and cute. It has smooth spines on its coat and soft fur on its tummy. Its spines are light gray, and its fur is white. It has a pair of small round eyes, a small snout, and whisker.” (Landak itu kecil dan lucu. Ia memiliki duri halus di bulunya dan bulu lembut di perutnya. Durinya berwarna abu-abu muda, dan bulunya berwarna putih. Ia memiliki sepasang mata bulat kecil, moncong kecil, dan kumis.)

Dari kutipan teks tersebut, kita menemukan kalau duri landaknya Winda berwarna abu-abu muda.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah: The pet’s spines are light gray (Duri landaknya Winda berwarna abu-abu muda).

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