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It was about past three in afternoon. Mr Tugiyo had just finished collecting firewood from the forest nearby. He was walking home to take a bath and get some rest before dusk.

It was about past three in afternoon. Mr Tugiyo had just finished collecting firewood from the forest nearby. He was walking home to take a bath and get some rest before dusk.

When he walked to his yard, he didn’t notice anything suspicious. However, as he was about to enter his house, he saw a tiger in his living room. The big cat was staring at him. He was frozen with horror, but then he realised his family was in danger, too. He saw his wife standing in front of the bedroom door, Her tace was as white as paper.

Mr Tugiyo slowly stepped back and gave a sign to his wife to enter the bedroom and lock the door. After making sure that his wife was safely inside, he quickly ciosed the front door. Then, he cried for help. One of the neighbours called the police. Soon, some policemen and officers from the zoo came and caught the tiger.

The tiger was safely taken to the local zoo. The officers said that the tiger was from the nearby forest and was roaming around the village to find some food.

What is the best title for the story?
A. A Tiger in a Villager’s House
B. A Tiger in the Local Zoo
C The Police and the Tiger
D. Finding Food for a Tiger

Jawaban yang benar adalah: A. A Tiger in a Villager’s House.

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“The tiger was safely taken to the local zoo. The officers said that the tiger was from the nearby forest and was roaming around the village to find some food.” (Harimau itu dibawa dengan selamat ke taman margasatwa setempat. Petugas mengatakan bahwa harimau itu berasal dari hutan terdekat dan berkeliaran di sekitar desa untuk mencari makanan.)

Dari kutipan teks, kita tahu bahwa teks tersebut tentang seekor harimau yang masuk ke rumah warga desa. Oleh karena itu, judul yang tepat untuk teks ialah seekor harimau di dalam rumah warga desa.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah: A. A Tiger in a Villager’s House.