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From the text above we know that ….. The Legend of Lake Toba Long time ago, a young man lived in a valley in North Sumatera. He was poor and lived with nobody. Every day, he went to the river and caught some fish to eat. One day, he went fishing after working in the fields. But not like the other days, he got nothing even after waiting for hours. When he decided to go home, he felt the rod bolted. That’s fish! He pulled the rod out and he was jolly to see a small goldfish. Imagining that he would eat a goldfish, he went home excitedly. At home, the young man put the small fish on the table. He prepared some firewood to cook. When everything was ready, he went back to the kitchen. But he saw nothing on the table! The fish disappeared! Instead, he saw a beautiful woman. After having a short conversation, the young men asked to marry her. She accepted only in one condition, the man should never mention where she came from the man agreed and they got married. They had a handsome yet naughty boy named Samosir. One day, Samosir made his father angry. The man shouted loudly and said the prohibited words. He said that Samosir was son of fish suddenly, rain well for weeks and turned the valley into a lake.

From the text above we know that …..

The Legend of Lake Toba

Long time ago, a young man lived in a valley in North Sumatera. He was poor and lived with nobody. Every day, he went to the river and caught some fish to eat.

One day, he went fishing after working in the fields. But not like the other days, he got nothing even after waiting for hours. When he decided to go home, he felt the rod bolted. That’s fish! He pulled the rod out and he was jolly to see a small goldfish. Imagining that he would eat a goldfish, he went home excitedly.

At home, the young man put the small fish on the table. He prepared some firewood to cook. When everything was ready, he went back to the kitchen. But he saw nothing on the table! The fish disappeared! Instead, he saw a beautiful woman.

After having a short conversation, the young men asked to marry her. She accepted only in one condition, the man should never mention where she came from the man agreed and they got married. They had a handsome yet naughty boy named Samosir.

One day, Samosir made his father angry. The man shouted loudly and said the prohibited words. He said that Samosir was son of fish suddenly, rain well for weeks and turned the valley into a lake.

a. Samosir is not son of fish
b. The man is rich
c. The goldfish turns into a beautiful woman
d. The beautiful woman is not married to the man
e. A young man from North Sumatra

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Jawabannya adalah c. The goldfish turns into a beautiful woman.

Soal menanyakan isi teks.

Dituliskan pada teks “But he saw nothing on the table! The fish disappeared! Instead, he saw a beautiful woman” (Tapi dia tidak melihat apa-apa di atas meja! Ikan itu menghilang! Sebaliknya, dia melihat seorang wanita cantik).

Berdasarkan ini diketahui bahwa ikan mas yang di pancing laki-laki tersebut berubah menjadi seorang gadis yang cantik.

Jadi, jawabannya adalah c. The goldfish turns into a beautiful woman.


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