There are two types of farming, they 1. _____ (is / are) traditional and modern farming. A traditional farmer usually 2._____ (use / uses) simple farming tools, such as an axe, a watering can, a sickle and a pickaxe. He 3. _____ (dig/ dogs) the land with a pickaxe and a hoe. He 4. _____ (plough / ploughs) the land with a plough that is drawn by one or two buffaloes. He 5. _____ (harvest / harvests) the crops with a sickle. He 6. _____ (work / works) very hard but 7. _____ (do / does) happily. When the harvesting time 8. _____ (come / comes), farmers 9. _____ (help / helps) each other. Before they _____ (start / starts) to harvest the crops, they usually 10._____ (hold / holds) a traditional ceremony.
A modern farmer 11. _____ (use / uses) modern equipments, such as tractor and a harvested. A tractor 12. _____ (is/are) very useful because it 13. _____ (replace / replaces) the energy of animals. A harvested is used to harvest all types of grains and seed crops. It is useful to replace the energy of men. Otherwise they have to help each other and work harder.
Number 6
Jawaban : works.
Soal meminta untuk melengkapi kalimat nomor 6.
Kalimat soal adalah “He 6. _____ (work / works) very hard but 7. _____ (do / does) happily” (Dia 6. _____ (bekerja / bekerja) sangat keras tetapi 7. _____ (melakukan / melakukan) dengan senang hati.)
Paragraf di atas mendeskripsikan tentang pertanian. Tense yang digunakan adalah Simple Present Tense ditandai dengan adanya to be ‘are’ di awal kalimat.
Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan kebiasaan atau fakta.
Rumus : S + V1 /V1 (s/es) + O.
– V1 digunakan untuk subjek they, we, you dan subjek jamak.
– V1 (s/es) digunakan untuk subjek she, he, it dan subjek tunggal.
Subjek kalimat adalah ‘he’ maka menggunakan V1 (s/es) yaitu ‘works’.
Kalimat lengkapnya menjadi “He works very hard but 7. _____ (do / does) happily” (Dia bekerja sangat keras tetapi 7. _____ (melakukan / melakukan) dengan senang hati.)
Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah : works.
Semoga membantu ya.
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