1. Write 5 obligation that you must do at home 2. Write 5 obligation that you must do at school 3. Write 5 obligation that you must do at the society

1. Write 5 obligation that you must do at home

2. Write 5 obligation that you must do at school
3. Write 5 obligation that you must do at the society



1. Write 5 obligation that you must do at home:

  1. We must respect and obey our parents.
  2. We must help our parents finish the chores.
  3. We must clean our bathroom.
  4. We must take out the rubbish.
  5. We must help our siblings.


2. Write 5 obligation that you must do at school:

  1. We must respect and obey our teachers.
  2. We must respect our friends.
  3. We must be polite and kind to our friends and teachers.
  4. We must be helpful to our friends in need.
  5. We must come on time to school.


3. Write 5 obligation that you must do at the society:

  1. We must be polite and respect to our elders.
  2. We must obey the rules everywhere we are.
  3. We must be helpful to everyone.
  4. We must join social activities.
  5. We must follow the latest news at our society.



Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Obligation (kewajiban) di rumah, sekolah dan di masyarakat dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Saat kita membicarakan kewajiban kita menggunakan Modal Verbs yaitu “Must”


1. Tuliskan 5 kewajiban yang harus kamu lakukan di rumah:

  1. Kita harus menghormati dan menaati orang tua.
  2. Kita harus membantu orang tua menyelesaikan pekerjaan kita.
  3. Kita harus membersihkan kamar mandi kita.
  4. Kita harus membuang sampah.
  5. Kita harus membantu saudara kita.


2. Tuliskan 5 kewajiban yang harus kamu lakukan di sekolah:

  1. Kita harus menghormati dan menaati guru kita.
  2. Kita harus menghormati teman kita.
  3. Kita harus sopan dan baik kepada teman dan guru kita.
  4. Kita harus membantu teman yang membutuhkan.
  5. Kita harus datang tepat waktu ke sekolah.


Baca Juga :  Complete the sentences with a form of the verb in parentheses. Three hundred and fifty years ago, people (1. make) /made/ their own clothes. They (2. have, not) _____ machines for making clothes. There (3. be, not) _____ any clothing factories. People (4. tear) _____ homemade clothes that were sewn by hand. Today, very few people (5. make) _____ their own clothes. Clothing (6. come) _____ ready-made from factories. People (7. buy) _____ almost all their clothes from stores. The modern clothing industry (8. be) _____ international. As a result, people from different countries often (9. wear) _____ similar clothes. For example, people in many different countries throughout the world (10. wear) _____ jeans and t-shirts. However, some regional differences in clothing still (11. exist) _____ for instance, people of the Arabian deserts (12. wear) _____ loose, flowing lobes to protect themselves from the heat of the sun. In parts of Northern Europe, fur hats (13. be) _____ common in the winter. In the future, there (14. be, probably) _____ fewer and fewer differences in clothing. People throughout the world (15. wear) _____ clothes from the same factories. (16. We all, dress) _____ in the future? TV shows and movies about the future often (17. show) _____ everybody in a uniform of some kind. What (18. you, think) _____? Number 15

3. Tuliskan 5 kewajiban yang harus kamu lakukan di masyarakat:

  1. Kita harus sopan dan menghormati orang yang lebih tua.
  2. Kita harus mematuhi aturan di mana pun kita berada.
  3. Kita harus bermanfaat bagi semua orang.
  4. Kita harus mengikuti kegiatan sosial.
  5. Kita harus mengikuti berita terbaru di masyarakat kita.

Modal Verbs (Must):

(+) Subject + Must + Verb-1 + Object


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