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Kepanjangan dari IVBF

kepanjangan dari IVBF

Jawaban yang benar adalah International Volley Ball Federation.

International Volley Ball Federation adalah induk organisasi internasional olahraga bola voli dan voli pantai. Organisasi ini berkantor pusat di Lausanne, Swiss dan didirikan di Paris, Prancis pada tahun 1947. Tujuan utama dari pendirian IVBF adalah mempromosikan voli ke dunia, menyatukan aturan permainan, mengadakan kompetisi internasional, dan menyertakan voli ke Olimpiade.

Kepanjangan dari IVBF adalah International Volley Ball Federation.

Baca Juga :  Last year, I went to dance party. In the middle of the party, I saw a guy that I had crush on. To get his attention, I went to the stage and started to dance with my friends. It was my first dance and was so busy dancing that didn't pay attention to anything else. I didn't realize that I got too close to the rim of the stage. Suddenly, I tripped and fell of the stage. The music stopped for a while and everyone laughed, including the guy that I had crushed on. I felt so stupid. It was a dance party that I would never forget.