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Complete the sentences with a form of the verb in parentheses. Three hundred and fifty years ago, people (1. make) /made/ their own clothes. They (2. have, not) _____ machines for making clothes. There (3. be, not) _____ any clothing factories. People (4. tear) _____ homemade clothes that were sewn by hand. Today, very few people (5. make) _____ their own clothes. Clothing (6. come) _____ ready-made from factories. People (7. buy) _____ almost all their clothes from stores. The modern clothing industry (8. be) _____ international. As a result, people from different countries often (9. wear) _____ similar clothes. For example, people in many different countries throughout the world (10. wear) _____ jeans and t-shirts. However, some regional differences in clothing still (11. exist) _____ for instance, people of the Arabian deserts (12. wear) _____ loose, flowing lobes to protect themselves from the heat of the sun. In parts of Northern Europe, fur hats (13. be) _____ common in the winter. In the future, there (14. be, probably) _____ fewer and fewer differences in clothing. People throughout the world (15. wear) _____ clothes from the same factories. (16. We all, dress) _____ in the future? TV shows and movies about the future often (17. show) _____ everybody in a uniform of some kind. What (18. you, think) _____? Number 3

Complete the sentences with a form of the verb in parentheses. Three hundred and fifty years ago, people (1. make) /made/ their own clothes. They (2. have, not) _____ machines for making clothes. There (3. be, not) _____ any clothing factories. People (4. tear) _____ homemade clothes that were sewn …

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Complete the sentences with a form of the verb in parentheses. Three hundred and fifty years ago, people (1. make) /made/ their own clothes. They (2. have, not) _____ machines for making clothes. There (3. be, not) _____ any clothing factories. People (4. tear) _____ homemade clothes that were sewn by hand. Today, very few people (5. make) _____ their own clothes. Clothing (6. come) _____ ready-made from factories. People (7. buy) _____ almost all their clothes from stores. The modern clothing industry (8. be) _____ international. As a result, people from different countries often (9. wear) _____ similar clothes. For example, people in many different countries throughout the world (10. wear) _____ jeans and t-shirts. However, some regional differences in clothing still (11. exist) _____ for instance, people of the Arabian deserts (12. wear) _____ loose, flowing lobes to protect themselves from the heat of the sun. In parts of Northern Europe, fur hats (13. be) _____ common in the winter. In the future, there (14. be, probably) _____ fewer and fewer differences in clothing. People throughout the world (15. wear) _____ clothes from the same factories. (16. We all, dress) _____ in the future? TV shows and movies about the future often (17. show) _____ everybody in a uniform of some kind. What (18. you, think) _____? Number 2

Complete the sentences with a form of the verb in parentheses. Three hundred and fifty years ago, people (1. make) /made/ their own clothes. They (2. have, not) _____ machines for making clothes. There (3. be, not) _____ any clothing factories. People (4. tear) _____ homemade clothes that were sewn …

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The police _____ the thief yesterday.

The police _____ the thief yesterday. a. arrest b. arresting c. is arresting d. arrested e. has arrested Jawaban: d. arrested Soal ini meminta kita melengkapi kalimat rumpang dengan pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat. Kalimat menggunakan Simple Past Tense ditandai dengan keterangan waktu ‘yesterday’ (kemarin). Rumusnya: (+) S + V2 …

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How long were Hilda and her friends in the beach and its surrounding ? Dear Clara, How are you? Last Saturday I went on a nice trip with some friends. We went to a lovely beach about 30 kilometers from my town. We left on the bus at nine clock in the morning and arrived at the beach at ten. We spent the morning playing in the beach. We also made a castle from sand. Then, we had lunch in a small restaurant overlooking the beach. After lunch we climbed a large hill behind the beach and saw the beautiful view from the top. We got back to the bus around three clock and then we came back to town. What is your holiday experience? Please share with me. Sincerely yours, Hilda

How long were Hilda and her friends in the beach and its surrounding ? Dear Clara, How are you? Last Saturday I went on a nice trip with some friends. We went to a lovely beach about 30 kilometers from my town. We left on the bus at nine clock …

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Write down sentences begin in the past and till in progress till now based on the situations below. Example situation: Antony started studying in ITB 2020. Now it is 2022. Answer: Antony has studied in ITB since 2020. 42. Situation: I was born in 2005. My father still worked as a fireman at the time.

Write down sentences begin in the past and till in progress till now based on the situations below. Example situation: Antony started studying in ITB 2020. Now it is 2022. Answer: Antony has studied in ITB since 2020. 42. Situation: I was born in 2005. My father still worked as …

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12 adalah 150% dari

12 adalah 150% dari Jawabannya adalah 8 Pembahasan : Konsep : a dari b adalah c dapat ditulis a x b = c Jawab : 150% x a = 12 150/100 x a = 12 3/2 x a = 12 a = 12 x 2/3 a = 4 x 2 …

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12 adalah 150% dari

12 adalah 150% dari Jawabannya adalah 8 Pembahasan : Konsep : a dari b adalah c dapat ditulis a x b = c Jawab : 150% x a = 12 150/100 x a = 12 3/2 x a = 12 a = 12 x 2/3 a = 4 x 2 …

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Apabila terjadi kerusakan pada testiis pria, kemungkinan yang terjadi adalah…

Apabila terjadi kerusakan pada testiis pria, kemungkinan yang terjadi adalah… a. individu akan mati saat masih di dalam kandungan b. individu mengalami kecacatan sementara c. individu tersebut dipastikan meninggal dunia d. spermaa yang dihasilkan tidak siap membuahi ovum e. spermaa tidak dapat diproduksi Jawabannya adalah E. Pembahasan : Testis merupakan …

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Sebutkan 8 sifat koloid dan jelaskna masing-masing

Sebutkan 8 sifat koloid dan jelaskna masing-masing Jawaban yang benar adalah elektroforesis, efek Tyndall, koagulasi, adsorpsi, dialisis, gerak Brown, koloid pelindung, koloid liofil dan liofob. Koloid adalah campuran yang terbentuk karena adanya dispersi suatu zat ke dalam zat lain. Berikut adalah beberapa sifat koloid: 1. Elektroforesis merupakan pergerakan partikel sol …

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Perhatikan pernyataan berikut1. derajat ionisasi mendekati 1(α=1)2.dalam larutan terionisasi sebagian3. dalam larutan terinosisai sempurna4. jumlah ion dalam larutan sedikitdari pernyataan diatas manakah yang termasuk sifat dari larutan elektrolit lemah…

Perhatikan pernyataan berikut1. derajat ionisasi mendekati 1(α=1)2.dalam larutan terionisasi sebagian3. dalam larutan terinosisai sempurna4. jumlah ion dalam larutan sedikitdari pernyataan diatas manakah yang termasuk sifat dari larutan elektrolit lemah… Jawaban yang benar adalah (2) dan (4). Pembahasan : Larutan elektrolit adalah larutan yang dapat menghantarkan listrik. Larutan elektrolit dapat menghantarkan …

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