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2. mengapa larutan penyangga dapat berperan dalam bidang farmasi?

2. mengapa larutan penyangga dapat berperan dalam bidang farmasi? Jawaban yang benar adalah agar pH stabil dan khasiat obat tetap terjaga. Larutan penyangga adalah larutan yang berfungsi untuk mempertahankan pH di mana pH tersebut todak akan mengalami perubahan walau ditambahkan sedikit asam atau sedikit basa. Pada bidang farmasi (obat-obatan) banyak …

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Uncle Hans has a very complicated life. He is always too stressed every day. He doesn’t have enough sleep. His manager is not patient enough and gives him too much work to do. Last week, his manager ordered him to make too many proposals, so he ended too tired. He didn’t have enough lunch and dinner. He just called delivery service. However, he thought that his hard work would give him a good result. He earns enough money monthly. He told me when he is rich enough, he will give up working in that company. He wants to have his own company. “He /earns/ money monthly.” The underlined word has similar meaning to…

Uncle Hans has a very complicated life. He is always too stressed every day. He doesn’t have enough sleep. His manager is not patient enough and gives him too much work to do. Last week, his manager ordered him to make too many proposals, so he ended too tired. He …

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5. Captain Hook is the character of a famous _____ in the story of Peter Pan.

5. Captain Hook is the character of a famous _____ in the story of Peter Pan. Contoh jawaban yang benar adalah: pirate. Pembahasan : Kamu diminta melengkapi kalimat tersebut dengan kata yang paling tepat. Captain Hook is the character of a famous _____ in the story of Peter Pan. (Kapten …

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Butterflies are insects undergo a complete methamorphosis during their life cyrcle. They are born as eggs that hatch into larvae and then grow into pupas, before transforming into adults which are butterflies.Adult female butterflies lay many almost-invisible eggs simulataneously on plants. These plants, later, will become a source food for the hatching eggs, called larvae. At the stage of larvae, the hatching eggs do not look like butterflies. The larvae of butterflies are called caterpillars. The only thing caterpillars do is eat. The food they eat will be stored and used when they become butterflies. During their growth before turning into pupas called chrysalises, they shed skin 4 to 5 times. When they are fully grown, they stop eating ant turn into pupas, hanging under branches, leaver or other hidden areas. inside the pupas, the cells of caterpillars turn into parts of butterflies’ bodies. When the caterpillars come out their pupas, they have already transformed into butterflies. They have compound eyes and long antennae, and legs and wings. At the final stage of their life cycle, the jobs of butterflies are mating, and laying eggs to become the next caterpillars. “adult female butterflies lay many almost-invisible eggs at once on plants.” The word ‘invisible’ means ……..

Butterflies are insects undergo a complete methamorphosis during their life cyrcle. They are born as eggs that hatch into larvae and then grow into pupas, before transforming into adults which are butterflies.Adult female butterflies lay many almost-invisible eggs simulataneously on plants. These plants, later, will become a source food for …

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2cos35°.cos25°–2sin30°.sin20°–2cos35°.sin5° jawaban untuk pertanyaan diatas adalah 1,684 Rumus 2cos a cos b = cos (a+b) + cos (a-b) 2sin a sin b = cos (a+b) – cos (a-b) 2cos a sin b = sin (a+b) – sin (a-b) Sudut istimewa dalam identitas triginometri sin 30° = ½ cos 60° = …

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Varians (ragam) dari data 8,8,6,6,8,12 adalah ….

Varians (ragam) dari data 8,8,6,6,8,12 adalah …. Jawabannya adalah 4 Untuk mencari ragam(varians) data tunggal, kita perlu mencari mean(Rata-rata) dengan rumus: x̅ = ∑x / n x̅ : Rata-rata(mean) ∑x : jumlah semua data n : banyaknya data Selanjut nya kita mencari nilai variansi dengan rumus: Variansi = ∑(xi – …

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6cos52,5°sin7,5° jawaban untuk soal di atas adalah (3/2)(√3 – √2) Asumsi soal: Tentukan nilai dari 6 cos 52,5⁰ sin 7,5⁰ Ingat kembali: 2 cos A sin B = sin (A+B) – sin (A–B) sin 45⁰ = ½√2 sin 60⁰ = ½√3 Ingat juga: ab –ac = a(b –c) a × …

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Di antara karakter berikut, yang bukan merupakan identitas khas dari chordata adalah…

Di antara karakter berikut, yang bukan merupakan identitas khas dari chordata adalah… A. Notokordata B. Pharyngeal slit (celah faring) C. Vertebra (ruas tulang belakang) D. Jaringan saraf dorsal E. Ekor post-anal 𝐉𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐡 C. 𝐘𝐮𝐤 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐤 𝐩𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐮𝐭. Filum Chordata adalah filum hewan yang memiliki ciri-ciri antara lain …

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Pada percobaan titrasi CH3COOH dengan NaOH menurut reaksi:

Pada percobaan titrasi CH3COOH dengan NaOH menurut reaksi: CH3COOH + NaOH → CH3COONa + H2O sebanyak 25 ml larutan CH3COOH dititrasi, ternyata memerlukan 30ml larutan NaOH 0,1 M maka konsentrasi CH3COOH adalah …. Jawaban yang benar adalah 0,12 M. Pembahasan : Titrasi asam basa merupakan analisis kuantitatif untuk menentukan molaritas …

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