6. In the past, _____ took their trading goods around the country using sailing boat.

6. In the past, _____ took their trading goods around the country using sailing boat. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “They”. Soal menanyakan kata yang tepat untuk rumpang. Pembahasan: Kalimat soal membutuhkan subjek karena pada soal sudah terdapat Verb setelah rumpang yaitu “took”. Subjek yang tepat untuk rumpang adalah “they” …

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10. In the past, only children from _____ families could get proper education, while the poor were uneducated.

10. In the past, only children from _____ families could get proper education, while the poor were uneducated. Contoh jawaban yang benar adalah: rich. Kamu diminta melengkapi kalimat pada soal dengan kata yang tepat. In the past, only children from _____ families could get proper education, while the poor were …

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6. In the past, _____ took their trading goods around the country using sailing boat.

6. In the past, _____ took their trading goods around the country using sailing boat. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “They”. Soal menanyakan kata yang tepat untuk rumpang. Pembahasan: Kalimat soal membutuhkan subjek karena pada soal sudah terdapat Verb setelah rumpang yaitu “took”. Subjek yang tepat untuk rumpang adalah “they” …

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Sam : /I agree with you, but what I am trying to say is that we need to/ strengthen the class discipline. Joe : Hmm, that’s a good idea. The underlined expression is used to ….

Sam : /I agree with you, but what I am trying to say is that we need to/ strengthen the class discipline. Joe : Hmm, that’s a good idea. The underlined expression is used to …. a. closing discussion b. opening a discussion c. asking for input d. clarifying ideas …

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John had signed the contract. The passive form of the sentence above is?

John had signed the contract. The passive form of the sentence above is? a. The contract had been signed by John. b. The contract has signed by John. c. The contract is signed by John. d. The contract will be signed by John. Jawaban: a. The contract had been signed …

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Gas CFC jika digunakan secara terus menerus, terjadi perubahan ekosistem permukaan bumi, hal ini terjadi karena senyawa CFC dapat menyebabkan

Gas CFC jika digunakan secara terus menerus, terjadi perubahan ekosistem permukaan bumi, hal ini terjadi karena senyawa CFC dapat menyebabkan a. menaikan suhu lingkungan b. membunuh organisme yang bermanfaat c. menipiskan lapisan ozon filter sinar UV d. menurunkan suhu lingkungan. e. mengikat CO2 di udara Jawabannya adalah C. Gas CFC …

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Where can you see such warning? Please beware of the strong tides!

Where can you see such warning? Please beware of the strong tides! a. at the lake side b. in a water park c. at the beach d. in a swamp e. on the road Jawaban: c. at the beach Soal ini meminta kita menjawab pertanyaan dengan pilihan jawaban yang paling …

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Here are parts of letter except…

Here are parts of letter except… A. heading B. greeting C. opening D. salutation E. sincerely Jawabannya adalah E. sincerely. Soal menanyakan yang bukan bagian surat. Bagian-bagian surat adalah Heading, greeting, opening, salutation, main body and closing. Sincerely biasanya digunakan sebagai ungkapan dari penutup (closing) pada surat. Oleh karena itu, …

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Complete the sentences with a form of the verb in parentheses. Three hundred and fifty years ago, people (1. make) /made/ their own clothes. They (2. have, not) _____ machines for making clothes. There (3. be, not) _____ any clothing factories. People (4. tear) _____ homemade clothes that were sewn by hand. Today, very few people (5. make) _____ their own clothes. Clothing (6. come) _____ ready-made from factories. People (7. buy) _____ almost all their clothes from stores. The modern clothing industry (8. be) _____ international. As a result, people from different countries often (9. wear) _____ similar clothes. For example, people in many different countries throughout the world (10. wear) _____ jeans and t-shirts. However, some regional differences in clothing still (11. exist) _____ for instance, people of the Arabian deserts (12. wear) _____ loose, flowing lobes to protect themselves from the heat of the sun. In parts of Northern Europe, fur hats (13. be) _____ common in the winter. In the future, there (14. be, probably) _____ fewer and fewer differences in clothing. People throughout the world (15. wear) _____ clothes from the same factories. (16. We all, dress) _____ in the future? TV shows and movies about the future often (17. show) _____ everybody in a uniform of some kind. What (18. you, think) _____? Number 18

Complete the sentences with a form of the verb in parentheses. Three hundred and fifty years ago, people (1. make) /made/ their own clothes. They (2. have, not) _____ machines for making clothes. There (3. be, not) _____ any clothing factories. People (4. tear) _____ homemade clothes that were sewn …

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