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Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.). Example: 1. (always/early/Sue/arrive) => Sue always arrives early.

Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.). Example: 1. (always/early/Sue/arrive) => Sue always arrives early. 3. (work / Margaret / hard / usually) Jawaban yang benar adalah ”Margaret usually works hard”. Soal meminta untuk menyusun kata menjadi kalimat dengan struktur yang …

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Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.). Example: 1. (always/early/Sue/arrive) => Sue always arrives early.

Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.). Example: 1. (always/early/Sue/arrive) => Sue always arrives early. 4. (Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear) Jawaban : Jenny always wears nice clothes. Soal meminta untuk menyusun kata acak. Terjemahan kata acak adalah …

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Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.). Example: 1. (always/early/Sue/arrive) => Sue always arrives early.

Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.). Example: 1. (always/early/Sue/arrive) => Sue always arrives early. 6. (television / Tim / watch / never) Jawaban : Tim never watches television. Soal meminta untuk menyusun kata acak. Terjemahan kata acak adalah sebagai berikut: …

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Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.).

Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.). Example: 1. (always/early/Sue/arrive) => Sue always arrives early. 7. (like / chocolate / Children / usually) Jawaban yang benar adalah “Children usually like chocolate”. Soal meminta untuk menuliskan kalimat berdasarkan kata-kata yang diberikan dan …

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Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.).

Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.). Example: 1. (always/early/Sue/arrive) => Sue always arrives early. 8. (Julia/ parties / enjoy / always) Jawaban : Julia always enjoys parties. Soal meminta untuk menyusun kata acak. Terjemahan kata acak adalah sebagai berikut: Julia …

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I have green and slippery skin. The first cycle of my life is as a tadpole. I can live in water and land. I am a …

I have green and slippery skin. The first cycle of my life is as a tadpole. I can live in water and land. I am a … а. turtle b. frog c. crocodile d. snake Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “b. frog”. Dalam soal ini kamu diminta untuk memilih jawaban …

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Arrange these world into a good sentence!

Arrange these world into a good sentence! 3. have – cow – legs – two – four – tails – and Jawabannya adalah “Cows have four legs and two tails.” Soal menanyakan urutan kata yang tepat untuk membentuk kalimat yang benar. Terjemahan dari kata pada soal adalah: have: punya cow: …

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Based on the text, answer the following questions. 1. Why was debby depressed?

Thursday, July 19th, 2007 It was my birthday yesterday. To my great surprise and dismay, my friends at school had completely forgotten about. I was very depressed because I had been waiting to hear them wish me a Happy Birthday that morning. When I arrived home my family had gone …

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Apa yang terjadi jika meteor yang memasuki atmosfer bumi tidak terbakar habis?

apa yang terjadi jika meteor yang memasuki atmosfer bumi tidak terbakar habis? Jawaban untuk pertanyaan di atas adalah akan sampai ke permukaan Bumi dan disebut dengan meteorit. Ketika meteor masuk ke dalam atmosfer Bumi maka akan terjadi gesekan dengan udara sehingga benda tersebut akan menjadi panas dan terbakar. Meteor yang …

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Salah satu fungsi gurat sisi pada tubuh ikan adalah…

Salah satu fungsi gurat sisi pada tubuh ikan adalah… A. Sebagai alat untuk membantu metabolisme B. Untuk mendeteksi perubahan tekanan air C. Untuk membantu pergerakan ikan di dalam air D. Sebagai alat pergerakan untuk merubah arah Jawabannya adalah C. Gurat sisi yaitu semacam indera peraba yang ditemui pada hewan-hewan vertebrata …

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