Holiday sale! Get up to 50% discount for all types of books. Get up to 30% discount for stationery products. Come and enjoy the discount in the grande bookstore. 27. What is the benefit of shopping in grande bookstore?

Holiday sale! Get up to 50% discount for all types of books. Get up to 30% discount for stationery products. Come and enjoy the discount in the grande bookstore.

27. What is the benefit of shopping in grande bookstore?
a. free delivery service
b. unlimited choice
c. free covers for books
d. discount during the holiday season

Jawaban :
D. Discount durung the holiday season

Karena pertanyaannya apa keuntungan berbelanja di toko grande. Maka jawabannya D. Diskon selama musim libur

Semoga membantu

Baca Juga :  Hitunglah jari-jari dan diameter lingkaran, jika diketahui keliling lingkaran 99 cm.