How long were Hilda and her friends in the beach and its surrounding ? Dear Clara, How are you? Last Saturday I went on a nice trip with some friends. We went to a lovely beach about 30 kilometers from my town. We left on the bus at nine clock in the morning and arrived at the beach at ten. We spent the morning playing in the beach. We also made a castle from sand. Then, we had lunch in a small restaurant overlooking the beach. After lunch we climbed a large hill behind the beach and saw the beautiful view from the top. We got back to the bus around three clock and then we came back to town. What is your holiday experience? Please share with me. Sincerely yours, Hilda

How long were Hilda and her friends in the beach and its surrounding ?

Dear Clara,

How are you? Last Saturday I went on a nice trip with some friends. We went to a lovely beach about 30 kilometers from my town. We left on the bus at nine clock in the morning and arrived at the beach at ten. We spent the morning playing in the beach. We also made a castle from sand. Then, we had lunch in a small restaurant overlooking the beach. After lunch we climbed a large hill behind the beach and saw the beautiful view from the top. We got back to the bus around three clock and then we came back to town.

What is your holiday experience? Please share with me.

Sincerely yours,

A. three hours
B. four hours
C. five hours
D. six hours
E. seven hours

Jawaban: C. five hours

Soal ini meminta kita menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan teks yang tersedia.

Kalimat soal:
How long were Hilda and her friends in the beach and its surrounding?
(Berapa lama Hilda dan teman-temannya ada di pantai dan sekitarnya?)

Pada teks disebutkan:
We left on the bus at nine clock in the morning and arrived at the beach at ten.
(Kami berangkat dengan bus pukul 9 pagi dan sampai di pantai pukul 10.)

We got back to the bus around three clock and then we came back to town.
(Kami kembali ke bus sekitar jam 3 dan kemudian kami kembali ke kota.)

Dari kalimat tersebut kita tahu bahwa Hilda dan teman-temannya ada di pantai dan sekitarnya sejak pukul 10 pagi hingga 3 sore atau selama 5 jam (five hours).

Baca Juga :  90 km/jam =....m/s

Jadi, jawabannya: C. five hours


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