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Widi: “Fira, why didn’t you pay attention to the teacher? Are you alright?” Fira: “No, I am not. I was too hungry to concentrate.” Widi: “You should not skip your breakfast. Let’s go to the canteen in the first break!” Fira: “Okay.” Where does the conversation above happen?

Widi: “Fira, why didn’t you pay attention to the teacher? Are you alright?”
Fira: “No, I am not. I was too hungry to concentrate.”
Widi: “You should not skip your breakfast. Let’s go to the canteen in the first break!”
Fira: “Okay.”

Where does the conversation above happen?

a. At home.
b. At school.
c. In theatre.
d. In bank.
e. In office

Jawaban yang benar adalah ”b. At school”.

Soal menanyakan dimana dialognya terjadi.

Opsi jawaban:
a. Di rumah.
b. Di sekolah.
c. Di teater.
d. Di bank.
e. Di kantor.

Dialognya tertera:
Widi: “Fira, why didn’t you pay attention to the teacher? Are you alright?” (Fira, kenapa kamu tidak memperhatikan guru? Apakah kamu baik-baik saja?)

Fira: “No, I am not. I was too hungry to concentrate.” (Tidak, aku tidak baik-baik saja. Aku terlalu lapar untuk berkonsentrasi.)

Widi: “You should not skip your breakfast. Let’s go to the canteen in the first break!” (Kamu jangan melewatkan sarapanmu. Ayo ke kantin di istirahat pertama!)

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dialognya terjadi di sekolah.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah ”b. At school”.

Baca Juga :  Seorang penyelam mampu berada pada kedalaman 40 m di bawah permukaan laut. jika massa jenis air laut 1,2 g/cm³ dan percepatan gravitasi 10 m/s², maka hitunglah besar tekanan hidrostatis yang dialami penyelam!