Making 10 sentences s+verb+o​

Making 10 sentences s+verb+o​


Jika S + Verb 1 + O, maka:

Simple Present Tense

1. I watch TV.

2. I feed my cat.

3. They play games.

4. He listens to classical music.

5. She tosses her garbage to the trash bin.

6. I read mystery novel.

7. Saul defends his people.

8. We sleep on our own bed.

9. The MMA athletes fight for the win.

10. A cat catches its prey.


Jika S + Verb 2 + O, maka:

Simple Past Tense

1. I watched TV.

2. I fed my cat.

3. They played games.

4. He listened to classical music.

5. She tossed her garbage to the trash bin.

6. I read mystery novel.

7. Saul defended his people.

8. We slept on our own bed.

9. The MMA athletes fought for the win.

10. A cat caught its prey.


Simple Present Tense Formula: + V1 + O

Simple Past Tense Formula: + V2 + O



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