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Ubahlah bilangan desimal berikut menjadi persen! 0,4=⋯%

Ubahlah bilangan desimal berikut menjadi persen!

Jawabnnya adalah

persen artinya per 100 berarti jika 0,4= 4/10, dua-duanya dikali 10 [4×10/10×10]= 40/100=40%


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Baca Juga :  Afgan is a diligent student. He always gets up early. He gets up at five o'clock. After waking up, he always cleans his bed, takes a bath, and gets dress. He has breakfast at six o'clock. He leaves home for school at seven o'clock. He goes to school by bicycle every day. He can ride a bike very good. The school is near from his home. It takes fifteen minutes to get to school. His favorite lesson is English. He is the smartest student in the classroom. He always helps his friends when they cannot answer the questions from teacher. What time does Afgan usually gets up?