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A VOLVO OFFER TO TRAVELERS TO EUROPE OVERSEAS DELIVERY PLAN PRICE DOWN 10% ON 1976 MODELS Travelling to or through Europe. You can order a new Volvo before you leave and collect it at any of 26 centers in Europe. And depending on how long you stay, you could make substantial savings on sales tax and import duty. Not only do you get the freedom that touring in your own car gives you, you get the safety and comfort of a Volvo, and at a comforting price. This offer applies to 2 Volvo models; The 244GL and The luxury V6 264GL. Bring back a lasting reminder of your trip to Europe. A new Volvo. How many models do the offer apply to?


Travelling to or through Europe. You can order a new Volvo before you leave and collect it at any of 26 centers in Europe. And depending on how long you stay, you could make substantial savings on sales tax and import duty.

Not only do you get the freedom that touring in your own car gives you, you get the safety and comfort of a Volvo, and at a comforting price. This offer applies to 2 Volvo models; The 244GL and The luxury V6 264GL.

Bring back a lasting reminder of your trip to Europe.
A new Volvo.

How many models do the offer apply to?

Jawaban untuk soal di atas adalah “There are two models in this offer.”


Soal ini menanyakan berapa banyak model yang berlaku untuk penawaran yang diberikan.

Pada akhir paragraf kedua terdapat kalimat “This offer applies to 2 Volvo models; The 244GL and The luxury V6 264GL” yang artinya “Penawaran ini berlaku untuk 2 model Volvo; 244GL dan V6 264GL yang mewah.”

Berdasarkan kalimat tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat dua model yang ditawarkan pada iklan ini.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah “There are two models in this offer.”


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