49. Senyawa berikut yang di alam berbentuk gas adalah. a. He c. H₂O b. FeO₂ d. NaCl Jawaban: A. Penjelasan: He = Helium adalah gas yang terdapat di alam Pelajari lebih lanjut Pelajari lebih lanjut di Google News ilmuantekno.com
Read More »Cara menginstall canon iP2700
Cara menginstall canon iP2700 Jawaban: Download file Canon iP2700 Install menggunakan Run as administrator, klik ok klik install, tunggu sampai selesai penginstallan dan klik ok Pelajari lebih lanjut Pelajari lebih lanjut di Google News ilmuantekno.com
Read More »Bagaimana cara mencegah agar komputer tidak terkena virus dan apabila sudah terjangkit bagaimana cara untuk mengatasinya?
Bagaimana cara mencegah agar komputer tidak terkena virus dan apabila sudah terjangkit bagaimana cara untuk mengatasinya? Jawaban: Download Antivirus Premium Install Antivirus Premium tersebut, setelah meng-install. buka Antivirusnya, pilih scan dan klik hapus virus secara permanen Penjelasan: Apabila telah terkena virus maka segera scan melalui antivirus sebanyak 3 kali, …
Read More »Contoh dialog tentang selamat dan pujian
Contoh dialog tentang selamat dan pujian Jawaban: Eimi : “Hi, Aoi Sora. Congratulations for your best seller video” Aoi. : “Thank you very much, i Don’t know if you’re still watching my video” Penjelasan: Yumi :” Yuki, your acting in the video is very well” Yuki. :” Really, i don’t …
Read More »No. 1. 2. Advice You should go to the doctor. Just take a good rest and drink a lot of water, Lina. ✓ Agreement or Disagreement V I don’t think that’s a good idea. I agree with Udin
No. 1. 2. Advice You should go to the doctor. Just take a good rest and drink a lot of water, Lina. ✓ Agreement or Disagreement V I don’t think that’s a good idea. I agree with Udin Jawaban: Disagreement Bentuk penolakan, Dia tidak setuju dan mengatakan itu bukan …
Read More »5. Mega : “Mr.Hambali, I’d like to introduce my father.” “How do you do, Mr. Hambali?” Mr. Sukarno.” Mr. Sukarno: Mr. Hambali
5. Mega : “Mr.Hambali, I’d like to introduce my father.” “How do you do, Mr. Hambali?” Mr. Sukarno.” Mr. Sukarno: Mr. Hambali A. I am fine B. Never better C. Good afternoon D. How do you do Jawaban: D. How do you do Penjelasan: merupakan kalimat untuk pertama kali saat …
Read More »2.car 4 3. I plant of vegetables with my family. 4. Agnes favorite vegetables are… and tomato 5. The vegetables make me healthy Carrot 6. My hobby is gardening 7. I like to eat… from my garden. Veatables 8. My father has a .Small garden. 9. The vegetables in my garden are 10. My garden at… my house.be hind
2.car 4 3. I plant of vegetables with my family. 4. Agnes favorite vegetables are… and tomato 5. The vegetables make me healthy Carrot 6. My hobby is gardening 7. I like to eat… from my garden. Veatables 8. My father has a .Small garden. 9. The vegetables in my …
Read More »Make 4 question from be
Make 4 question from be Jawaban: 1. Would you gonna be my girlfriend? 2. Would you wanna be a superstar? 3. Should it be forever? 4. Might it be loose everywhere? 5. Should i’ll be your partner? Pelajari lebih lanjut Pelajari lebih lanjut di Google News ilmuantekno.com
Read More »5. From where does the son know about the complete information? a. From his teacher. b. From his mother. c. From the article. d. From the seller’s explanation.
5. From where does the son know about thecomplete information? a. From his teacher. b. From his mother. c. From the article. d. From the seller’s explanation. Jawaban: C Article adalah bentuk berita atau susunan kalimat yang dibuat oleh media berdasarkan sumber atau narasumber Pelajari lebih lanjut …
Read More »Integer limit dari bit 128 dan 256
Integer limit dari bit 128 dan 256 Jawaban: Middle Bit 128 Intermediate Bit 256 Pelajari lebih lanjut Pelajari lebih lanjut di Google News ilmuantekno.com
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