4^2 – 2^-4

4^2 – 2^-4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

4^2 – 2^-4

4 x 4 – 1/2⁴

16 – 1/16

16/1 – 1/16

256/16 – 1/16


15 15/16

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Baca Juga :  My name is Susanti. I have a pet. Its name is Nilo. Nilo is a cat. It is funny and energetic. It is smart. It can differentiate between its milk and mine. I always forget to put my bike key. Nilo often helps me to find my bike key. Nilo always entertains me when I feel bored. Nilo also likes doing what ask. I really love him.