Look at this dialog! Find the adjective words! Woman: Is your math class hard? Man: Yes, it is very difficult. Woman: Why is it hard? Man: Well, the teacher is strict. We have lots of homework. Woman: Oh, that sounds tough.

Look at this dialog! Find the adjective words!

Woman: Is your math class hard?
Man: Yes, it is very difficult.
Woman: Why is it hard?
Man: Well, the teacher is strict. We have lots of homework.
Woman: Oh, that sounds tough.

Jawaban yang benar adalah: hard; difficult; strict; tough.

Mari simak pembahasan soal berikut ini!

Soal meminta kamu menemukan kata sifat pada percakapan tersebut.

Perlu diketahui, kata sifat adalah jenis kata yang digunakan untuk memberikan penjelasan lebih spesifik pada suatu kata benda (noun). Biasanya kata sifat ditempatkan setelah To be, adverb (kata keterangan), verb (kata kerja) atau sebelum/sesudah noun (kata benda).

Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, maka kata sifat pada percakapan tersebut ialah:
– hard/sulit(ditempatkan setelah kata benda “class”).
– difficult/sulit (ditempatkan setelah adverb “very”).
– strict/keras (ditempatkan setelah To be).
– tough/berat (ditempatkan setelah kata kerja/verb).

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah: hard; difficult; strict; tough.

Baca Juga :  Every mornIng I 1.____ at five o'clock. First. I go to the 2.____. I 3.____ my teeth and take a bath. After that, I get 4.____ and comb my hair. Then I go to the 5.____. I eat sandwich and a glass of milk for breakfast. Then, I go to 6.____ by my 7.____. I 8.____ at school and then I study. I go 9.____ at one o'clock. I have 10.____ and play with my friends. In The evening, I 11.____ dinner with my family and then we 12.____ watching TV. I do my 13.____. I go to 14.____ at half past nine.