How many kinds of almond are there?

Almond (Prunus dulois) is a tree native to southwestern Asia. A member of the Rosaceae family, almond is economically important, grown primarily in Mediterranean climates between 28o and 48o N and between 20o and 40o S, with California producing nearly 80 percent of the world’s supply.

There are two varieties, sweet almond (P.dulcis variety dulcis) and bitter almond (P. dulcis variety amara). Sweet almonds are the usual, edible type consumed as nuts and used in cooking or as a source of almonds is used in the manufacture of flavouring extracts for food and liqueurs, though prussic acid must first be removed.

Almonds may be eaten raw, blanched or roasted and are commonly used by confectionery. In Europe almonds are used to make marzipan, a sweet paste used in pastries and candies, and in Asia almonds are often in meat, poultry, fish and vegetarian dishes.

How many kinds of almond are there?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five

Jawaban yang benar adalah “a. Two”.

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“How many kinds of almond are there?” (Ada berapa jenis almond?)

Jawaban dapat diperoleh dari:

“There are two varieties, sweet almond (P.dulcis variety dulcis) and bitter almond (P. dulcis variety amara).” (Ada dua jenis, almond manis (P.dulcis varietas dulcis) dan almond pahit (P. dulcis varietas amara).

Dari kutipan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat dua jenis almond yaitu manis dan pahit.

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah “a. Two”.

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