Activity 8 Identify the expressions of congratulations and their responses in the dialog in Activity 7. Write the expressions in the table. Congratulating Table 2. 3 Congratulating and responding Responding​

Activity 8 Identify the expressions of congratulations and their responses in the dialog in Activity 7. Write the expressions in the table. Congratulating Table 2. 3 Congratulating and responding Responding​

Activity 8 Identify the expressions of congratulations and their responses in the dialog in Activity 7. Write the expressions in the table. Congratulating Table 2. 3 Congratulating and responding Responding​

The expressions of congratulations are:

  • Mawar, congratulations your hard work has been paid off.
  • Good job, mawar. You deserve it.
  • Hi, mawar, congratulations on your succes.


The response of congratulation are:

  • Thank.
  • Thank you.
  • Thank you for saying so.



Ungkapan selamat adalah tindakan mengungkapkan kegembiraan atau pengakuan, atas pencapaian atau nasib baik orang lain. Tanggapan ucapan selamat adalah cara terbaik untuk membalas surat atau pesan ucapan selamat adalah dengan berterima kasih kepada orang yang menulis surat kepada Anda dan biarkan mereka tahu betapa berartinya pengakuan mereka atas pencapaian Anda bagi Anda. Pastikan untuk mempertahankan bahasa yang ramah dan profesional. Misalnya, “Saya merasa terhormat untuk bekerja dengan Anda. Terima kasih!”



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