Buat pendapat/opini,

Buat pendapat/opini,

Buat pendapat/opini,


•Body piercing

Well, i’m not getting used to it but… I guess that’s fine, but make sure you don’t put those things on your nose if you’re not wearing an indian traditional clothes or something, because it makes you looks like a freak.



Uh, it’s a language created by the europeans way back then in the 5th century, it’s fine, i guess. and thanks to the Brits who make English the national language.


•Watching TV

Well, sometimes it could be a relaxing moments, and sometimes it could be a disturbing/cringy moments. In overall, i like it.



I don’t know how to explain this one.


•Cosmetic surgery

I’m kind of not used to this too because… y’know, I love my face, even though it looks like a poorly made 3d face, but I still like it. So I think it would be nice if you’re getting this this but make sure you don’t get crappy surgeries with high price.


•Entrepreneur class

I don’t know much about entrepreneur class, but i would reccomend this if you want to be a businessman.


•A secret romance

Wow, it’s getting juicy. Well I would say this is a normal thing, because I’m doing it, you’re doing it, Joe Mama doing it, everyone doing it.


•Computer program

I would say they’ve helped A LOT in this era, especially, when the videogames is coming out, god, i love games!


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