John had signed the contract. The passive form of the sentence above is?

John had signed the contract.

The passive form of the sentence above is?
a. The contract had been signed by John.
b. The contract has signed by John.
c. The contract is signed by John.
d. The contract will be signed by John.

Jawaban: a. The contract had been signed by John.

Soal ini meminta kita mengubah kalimat yang ada ke dalam bentuk pasif.

Kalimat menggunakan Past Perfect Tense ditandai dengan penggunaan had + V3 (had signed). Pada bentuk pasif, objek kalimat aktif berubah menjadi subjek.

Rumus kalimat pasifnya:
S + had + been + V3 + by agent

Sehingga kalimat soal akan menjadi:
The contract (S) + had + been + signed (V3 dari sign) + by John (agent).
(Kontrak tersebut telah ditandatangani oleh John.)

Jadi, jawabannya: a. The contract had been signed by John.


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