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Every March or April Kate’s family celebrates Easter, a Christian holiday. She boils eggs and her children color them. She and her husband hide them in the garden. After a special meal for lunch, they have an Easter egg hunt. The children look everywhere and compete to find the most eggs. Change the reading above into the Present Continuous tense.

Every March or April Kate’s family celebrates Easter, a Christian holiday. She boils eggs and her children color them. She and her husband hide them in the garden. After a special meal for lunch, they have an Easter egg hunt. The children look everywhere and compete to find the most eggs.Change the reading above into the Present Continuous tense.


Present Continuous Tense:

1. Kate’s family is celebrating Easter, a Christian holiday.

2. She is boiling eggs and her children are coloring them.

3. She and her husband are hiding them in the garden.

4. After a special meal for lunch, they are having an Easter egg hunt.

5. The children are looking everywhere and competing to find the most eggs.



Jawban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Present Continuous Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Terjemahan jawaban:

1. Keluarga Kate sedang merayakan Paskah, hari libur Kristen.

2. Dia sedang merebus telur dan anak-anaknya sedang mewarnainya.

3. Dia dan suaminya sedang menyembunyikan mereka (telur-telur paskah tesebut) di taman.

4. Setelah makan makanan spesial untuk makan siang, mereka melakukan perburuan telur Paskah.

5. Anak-anak mencari kemana-mana dan berlomba-lomba mencari telur paling banyak.

Present Continuous Tense:

(+) Subject + Tobe (is/am/are) + Verb-ing + Object

Semoga membantu ya.


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