Breaking News

Change into possive voice 1. My dad is washing motorcycle. 2. She cooked the food. 3. My brother drives the car 4. I was writing letter. 5. They have translated some documents. 6. My secretary was sending the important email. 7. We can see many beautiful painting. 8. They cancelled all the flight because of fog.​​

Change into possive voice

1. My dad is washing motorcycle.
2. She cooked the food.
3. My brother drives the car
4. I was writing letter.
5. They have translated some documents.
6. My secretary was sending the important email.
7. We can see many beautiful painting.
8. They cancelled all the flight because of fog.​​


1. Motorcycle is being washed by my dad.

2. The food was cooked by her.

3. The car is driven by my brother.

4. Letter was being written by me.

5. Some documents have been translated by them.

6. The important email was being sent by my secretary.

7. Many beautiful paintings can be seen by us.

8. All the flights were cancelled by them because of fog.


Passive Present Continuous (#1)

S + is being + V3 + by + O

Passive Simple Past (#2 & #8)

S + was/were + V3 + by + O

Passive Simple Present (#3)

S + am/is/are + V3 + by + O

Passive Past Continuous (#4 & #6)

S + was being + V3 + by + O

Passive Present Perfect (#5)

S + has/have been + V3 + by + O

Passive with Modal Verb (#7)

S + Modal Verb + be + V3 + by + O


Modal Verb: Can, may, might, shall, should, etc.



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