2. Sederhanakan bentuk pangkat berikut. d. 1/(3⁵) × 1/(3⁻⁴)

2. Sederhanakan bentuk pangkat berikut.
d. 1/(3⁵) × 1/(3⁻⁴)

Jawaban yang benar adalah ⅓

Pembahasan :

=> a/b x c/d = (axc)/(bxd)
=> aᵐ x aⁿ= aᵐ⁺ⁿ

1/(3⁵) × 1/(3⁻⁴)
= (1×1)/(3⁵ × 3⁻⁴)
= 1/(3⁵⁺⁽⁻⁴⁾)
= 1/(3¹)
= 1/3

Jadi hasilnya adalah ⅓



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Baca Juga :  The proposals regarding the basis of an independent Indonesia in the first session of BPUPKI were sequentially put forward by Muhammad Yamin, Soepomo, and Ir. Sukarno. On May 31, 1945, Soepomo delivered his speech on the basis of the state. Write down the basic formulation of the state proposed by Soepomo! *