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What is the text about? Babies get sick more often than older children or adults because their immune systems are not fully developed and functioning at full capacity , The common cold , which is an infection of the respiratory system caused by a virus , is the most frequent malady . Doctors say that normal , healthy babies get up to about seven colds before they reach their first birthday . Another common affliction is the flu , caused by a different family of viruses , which bring on high fever , chills , fatigue , and sometimes digestive symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea , in addition to the respiratory symptoms of a cold . Another reason babies get sick so often is that they are frequently around other children , often siblings , and this exposes them to viruses and bacteria at school and daycare . Children at schools and daycare get more colds , runny noses , and earinfections than children cared for at home . However , their earlier exposure to these diseases also leads them to develop immunity earlier

what is the text about?
Babies get sick more often than older children or adults because their immune systems are not fully developed and functioning at full capacity , The common cold , which is an infection of the respiratory system caused by a virus , is the most frequent malady . Doctors say that normal , healthy babies get up to about seven colds before they reach their first birthday . Another common affliction is the flu , caused by a different family of viruses , which bring on high fever , chills , fatigue , and sometimes digestive symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea , in addition to the respiratory symptoms of a cold .
Another reason babies get sick so often is that they are frequently around other children , often siblings , and this exposes them to viruses and bacteria at school and daycare . Children at schools and daycare get more colds , runny noses , and earinfections than children cared for at home . However , their earlier exposure to these diseases also leads them to develop immunity earlier

A. Why do babies look so weak ?
B. How do the young develop their immune system ?
C. Why do the young become get sick easily ?
D. How do the elderly get responsiblities for their health ?
E. Why do the young and elderly get sick more easily ?

Jawaban yang benar adalah ”C. Why do the young become get sick easily?”.

Soal menanyakan isi dari teks tersebut.

Opsi jawaban:
A. Mengapa bayi terlihat sangat lemah?
B. Bagaimana anak kecil mengembangkan sistem kekebalan mereka?
C. Mengapa anak kecil mudah sakit?
D. Bagaimana orang tua mendapatkan tanggung jawab untuk kesehatan mereka?
E. Mengapa anak kecil dan orang tua lebih mudah sakit?

Baca Juga :  Jenis tanah vulkanik yang terbentuk karena adanya proses vulkanisme pada gunung berapi. Tanah ini sangat subur dan baik untuk tanaman, jenis tanah tersebut adalah.....

Pada teksnya tertera ”Babies get sick more often than older children or adults because their immune systems are not fully developed and functioning at full capacity.”

(Bayi lebih sering sakit daripada anak yang lebih besar atau orang dewasa karena sistem kekebalan mereka belum sepenuhnya berkembang dan berfungsi dengan kapasitas penuh.)

”Another reason babies get sick so often is that they are frequently around other children, often siblings , and this exposes them to viruses and bacteria at school and daycare” (Alasan lain mengapa bayi sering sakit adalah karena mereka sering berada di sekitar anak lain, seringkali saudara kandung , dan ini membuat mereka terpapar virus dan bakteri di sekolah dan tempat penitipan anak).

Teksnya membahas tentang alasan mengapa bayi sering sakit.

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa isi teksnya adalah ‘mengapa anak kecil mudah sakit?’.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah ”C. Why do the young become get sick easily?”.